Hierarchical Central-Local Inverter-based Voltage Control in Distribution Networks Considering Stochastic PV Power Admissible Range


发表于 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2022 (SCI)

作者:Xiaoyuan Xu, Yunhong Li, Zheng Yan*, Hongyan Ma


推荐引用:X. Xu, Y. Li, Z. Yan and H. Ma, "Hierarchical Central-Local Inverter-based Voltage Control in Distribution Networks Considering Stochastic PV Power Admissible Range," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1868-1879, May 2023.

Abstract: This paper proposes a hierarchical distribution network voltage control method considering active and reactive power coordination of PV units in both central and local control stages. In contrast to the traditional local control methods, the proposed method defines the admissible range (AR) of PV power and determines it via centralized optimization to realize active PV power curtailments in the local control stage. The affine decision rule (ADR) is adopted to control the reactive power with respect to active power within AR. A distributionally robust chance constraint is designed, based on statistical indices of active PV power, to assess the probability that active PV power generation would fall inside AR. A two-stage optimization problem that can simultaneously provide central and local control strategies is proposed, which is transformed into tractable formulas based on the Gauss Inequality as well as ADR and binary expansion techniques. The proposed method solutions are compared with those of the theoretically optimal method, a robust central-local control method, and a local control method to show the value of hierarchical inverter control with AR in reducing PV power curtailment and ensuring nodal voltages within limits.